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SOCN White Papers

These are the white papers that have been submitted so far.

More information can be found on the Call for Brief White Papers page.

If you would like to submit a white paper, you first need to complete the permissions request.

Title Creator Modification Date Total number of comments
New Developments in Social and Behavioral Research: The Social Observatories Coordinating Network, September 2016 William Fennie 2016-09-22T13:51:10-04:00 0
The Contribution of a National Network of Social Observatories to Improving Population Health cbachrach 2013-07-08T11:37:27-04:00 0
Addressing the Vulnerability of American Communities to Climate Change and other Shocks Emilio Moran, Ph.D. 2013-03-04T15:18:33-04:00 0
Social Observation for Sustainability Science jbraden 2013-02-18T11:51:57-05:00 0
Governing the Commons: The Role of SOCN in Institutional Design and Collective Action Problems John Scholz, Ph.D. 2013-02-06T10:41:48-05:00 0